Saturday, February 27, 2010

Monday, February 22, 2010

I'm officially schooled in photography

Okay, not really, but I did take a class!  Here are some pics from that class...

This is Gail, the teacher and great photographer!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Turning point

Tomorrow I take a photography class.  The first one I've ever taken.  It is with a local photographer who is pretty amazing.  I am excited.  But I wanted to warn you that this will be my turning point!  Tomorrow will be the day that my images get really good.  It will have nothing to do with my new lens and everything to do with the brilliance I come away with.  And by new lens, I mean awesome lens!  I mean serious, hard core, awesomeness.  Or as my dad would say "Nawesome"!  I think that is "gnarly"("g" in narly?) and "awesome" combined.  I have only been using a 55-200mm lens.  It's a great lens to have, but it totally sucks to be the "only" lens you have!  I was using the 15-55mm lens and set the camera down on the bed.  Blue walked by and knocked it off.  The lens broke. So after tomorrow, when you see my new images, remember it will have nothing to do with my 18-200mm lens (SO AWESOME!) and everything to do with my genius and raw talent!   (dripping with sarcasm, ya'll)
By the way, I HATE when photographers post a picture of themselves and their camera!  Ha!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Snow 2/10/10

Building the snow fort at 11 am.

Peeking out of the snow fort at noon.

The snow fort at 4pm. 
The most beautiful dog in the snow!

Snow 2/6/10

My birdbath last Saturday!

Monday, February 1, 2010